Today, Derek and I baked the [in]famous Cleaveland Lemon Meringue Pie. It turned out pretty good. Basically, I’m warming up for the Wendell United Presbyterian Church Lemon Meringue Pie Bakeoff. It’s not an official thing, but I challenged our church’s best cook/chef/baker that my Lemon Meringue Pie was better than any she could make [many have told me how crazy I was for saying this…so, sometime in the next few weeks, there is going to be a bakeoff. I only hope to bring the Cleaveland name a victory.
I also just finished watching Cry the Beloved Country. I remember watching this about 6 years ago for Core 150: Western Civilization for Whitworth. I almost started bawling then – and almost again tonight. That is, until my good friend Josh Cleveland [notice the difference in spelling, mine is the correct way to spell it] interrupted me. Just as the film was reaching the climax, he text-messages me. Totally ruined the mood. But anyway, if you haven’t seen this film, go rent it [there are some wonderful lines and issues in this movie], but be ready, it’s a tear-jerker.