I’ve spent this afternoon and evening getting used to my new life as a Mac user. I’m happy. And I’m also glad that I went with the Nokia 3650 phone, because of its Bluetooth capabilities [not to mention the video camera]. It was a busy day at my house today as we had 3 FedEx deliveries and 1 UPS delivery (thanks to my Texas FanClub for their gifts) and I received my 12″ PowerBook, adapters and Nokia phone. It was pretty sweet to sit at my church in Wendell and access the internet through my phone, via Bluetooth and all that jazz. I think that will come in handy. Otherwise, I’m enjoying the Mac immensely, and absolutely loving F9. It’s a beautiful function. I am loving my new beginnings….even though my host-mom is calling me a techy-nerd, and she is 100% certain this is not going to help me “find a wife” (which is one of the most important thing for *many* in my church)…