In the book Blankets, Craig is a young boy who loves drawing and the theme of calling and passion runs throughout the book. While Craig is a senior in high school, he sits in front of a blank sheet of paper, apparently having artist’s block, and he remembers what his 5th grade Sunday School teacher once told him in front of the entire class. I know many today who are encouraging students in the arts, but I believe that this happens more than we would like to admit. Here is the conversation:
S.S. Teacher: Does anyone have an idea of what we might be doing in Heaven?
Student 1: Relaxing – like on vacation.
Student 2: Snowmobiling.
Student 3: Football.
Craig: Drawing.
S.S. Teacher: Oh, Craig…draw? For all eternity?
Craig: It’s a perfect place, right? Wouldn’t we be doing what we LIKE to do?
S.S. Teacher: HA HA. Well, INDEED we’ll be busy, and INDEED we’ll enjoy our labor, because we won’t FATIGUE or grow distracted like we do on earth, but our NEW LIVES in Heaven will be devoted to PRAISING and WORSHIPPING GOD! — bowing to Him, singing Him songs, and EXCLAIMING His name for all ETERNITY – and we’ll love every second of it, because of all He’s done for us!
Craig: But…I can’t sing.
S.S. Teacher: In Heaven, you’ll have a BEAUTIFUL voice!
Craig: But I don’t LIKE to sing. Couldn’t I praise God with my DRAWINGS?
S.S. Teacher: I mean, “Come on, Craig.” How can you praise God with DRAWINGS? … So as I was saying, we’ll be working – NOT RELAXING – but we’ll love it, and…yes Craig?
Craig: — draw His CREATION — like trees and stuff…
S.S. Teacher: But, Craig…He’s already drawn it for us…