Even though Tony Jones gives me crap about all my cafeteria posts – here is another along with this update. Life has been going very well recently. I’m very happy. I’m still trying to figure out how to get a sense of balance with schoolwork and all of that – but…it’ll come I think, I hope…my parents would be pretty pissed if I flunked out of seminary. I’m not too worried.
So there is a big bear that’s being passed around the junior class – and this is how Josh & Reno set him up in my room. Anyway – there is just a random picture for you. The bear also came in pretty handy when I got to watch Evan, Andrew’s son, for an hour or so yesterday. Even was a big fan of the bear. Then tonight we had our annual Halloween dinner in the cafeteria. My buddy Dave hooked me up with a sweet bee costume, which…after looking at the pictures…yah, I look ridiculous. In that picture, Katie and my buddy Dean were both Bob the Builder and…well, I just look ridiculous. I did make it into the top 4 for the costume contest. Unfortunately I was beat by a Male Pumpkin Queen. Alas…
Hey – be looking for some theological posts coming soon…