For a little seminary bonding, I encouraged people to bring back cheesy high school “school-spirit”-type clothing, including Lettermens coats. I have a letterman’s sweater you’ll all be seeing in a few weeks here on the blog. We’re calling it First Friday “Glory Days.” We know it’s cheesy. We know that we were all pretty dork in high school, and we all thought our school was “THE BEST!!!” so we’re just enjoying laughing at ourselves. Peter is wearing a pep-band sweatshirt I think, I’m wearing one of my highschool pep band shirts, and Erin is sporting some East Kentwood attire AND an Esprit shoulder bag (my friend Josh commented on how he was always a bit intimidated by the “Esprit Bag girls” in high school – I was too….I’m sure we would have loved Erin though). Anyway, next month’s “Glory Days” on February 7th should have a lot more support, as everyone will be back on campus. Anyway…no more blogging! Old Testament final tomorrow morning at 9am. Until then…
[if I don’t make it out of the exam alive, I hereby will and bequeath pomomusings to Chris P…is that cool Chris?]