Next year, I am going to be serving as Co-Moderator for the Covenant Network Fellowship of Princeton Theological Seminary. This is a chapter of Covenant Network (don’t hold their bad website against them), a group within the PC(USA) that is working "toward a church as generous and just as God’s grace." I’m looking forward to serving the school in this role and seeing what our group, along with BGLASS (Bisexuals, Gays, Lesbians and Straight Supporters) might be able to do on the campus of Princeton Theological Seminary to help with dialogue, events and support for the LGBT community here on campus.
I also just found out today that we purchased the "gay? fine by me" t-shirts and will be having a day to hand some out on campus and wear them. The t-shirts were made by Fine By Me, Inc., a non-profit group in NYC whose mission is to promote public opposition to homophobia and to give LGBT people and their allies a human face. I think this t-shirt campaign is a great way to help people on this campus know and see visibly, who is supportive and a safe person to come and speak with. Way to go Covenant…