And the convention begins. With Theofragen and The Shiverian deep in a heated conversation about emergent church planting, Hans Frei and the semantics of “emergent” and “the emerging church.” We had a great dinner tonight with my bros from last year Cory and Shane, as well as another Whitworth-grad, Andrew Seeley (who really deserves some unique page views, so go here).
It feels good to be around so many old and new friends. As I was going to find a place to work on some stuff tonight, I ran into Jen Lemen and Rachelle Mee-Chapman, and I saw the first advertisements for the Nefarious T’s (t-shirts for the emerging smart ass in all of us). Some of the slogans they’re offering on t-shirts include the following:
- emerging my ass
- A New Kind of T-shirt
- The T-shirt We Find Ourselves In
- WWBD (What would Brian do?)
- My hubby went to emergent and all I got was this *#$@! T-shirt
- God does not have a penis
- I speak Patriarchy, but it’s not my mother tongue
I’m sure they’ll come up with some more great ones.
I’m looking forward to tomorrow for many reasons: the convention, the friends, the blogging, the ’emergent folk’ – but mainly I just want to see my girlfriend. She’s gets here tomorrow and we have a good chunk of time before I head off to Palestine for the summer. So, this will be a good week. So, let’s do it – let’s get this party started!