[Keep in mind that this post could be about Question Guy OR Question Lady – whoever you happen to have in your context. Remember folks, it’s all about context]
Everyone knows the person I’m talking about. It’s the one person in the class that asks the questions. All the time. Perhaps even every class. Yah, it’s that person.
Those of us who are Middlers here at Princeton (and others as well) know who I’m talking about. And we kindly call her Question Lady. One thing about Question Lady in particular is that it doesn’t matter at all where she is, if it’s a large lecture class, or a smaller course – she’ll ask a question. Of course, they are most annoying during large lectures like Introduction to the OT or Systematic Theology; however, they are equally annoying in other classes.
Now it’s not that we’re against asking questions. There are totally times and places for questions to be asked. And perhaps she learns by asking questions, etc. But. Still.
Come on Question Lady.
(10min later)
She tried to get another question in. She even called out the professor’s name. But this professor is smarter than that. They know Question Lady. They know her ways…
Seriously. Question Lady.