One of the reasons I enjoy maintaining this blog is the chance it gives me to write a lot. I’ve always enjoyed writing; I wrote a few books when I was in elementary schools for our local “Young Authors Conference.” So, today as I was enjoying freedom from school, I was surfing around and wanted to see if some of the pathetically-written articles I wrote for my high school newspaper were still online. And…they are. So, for your reading pleasure, I give you the best of Adam Cleaveland’s high school journalistic endeavors:
- Bias: (this was my first article ever)
- Whipped Cream and Team Skiing: (honestly, the illustration for this article is a little…I don’t know…something doesn’t look right)
- Bye Bye Birdie Takes the Stage: (I was actually in Bye Bye Birdie too, I played the ridiculously dorky boyfriend, Hugo Peabody)
- Are earned A’s easy A’s?: (ooooh, what a controversial article on grade-inflation)
- Internet on the horizon: (hmm, what a cutting edge article…)
- Senioritis: (wow, we really covered deep issues in this newspaper)
- Slackers, please drop out!: (this was actually a very controversial one…there was a group of kids who wanted to kick my ass the day the paper came out – they didn’t, but…still, there is something cool about a little goodie-goodie guy knowing that people want to kick his ass because of some stupid article he wrote)
Hope you enjoyed those. It actually was a really quality newsmagazine for that time – we won state awards and what not, though, I don’t think for anything I contributed to it.