Dammit. So, once again they’ve changed the health-coverage plan at Princeton Theological Seminary. They assure us that the 8% increase in the already incredibly expensive fee is “a rate increase well below the trend in our area.” However, the most significant change is our loss of access to Princeton University’s McCosh Health Center. In all my trips to McCosh in the past 2 years, I have been more than impressed with the staff, the free (read FREE) access to doctors, labs, x-rays. It’s been amazing. And now it’s gone. While the rest of our seminary’s administration (especially President Torrance) continually tries to enhance and increase the seminary’s relationship with Princeton University, Princeton Seminary decides to cut off the one resource most used and valued by its students. Now we have to drive and pay for each visit to the doctor; I realize this is what everyone else has to do, but the amazing convenience of being able to walk over to the university campus in 5 min and be seen by a University doctor for free was a huge relief for us grad students.
Thank you Princeton Theological Seminary. Other PTS folks – what are your thoughts?