…breaking humanitarian laws. If there is one thing I’ll give the State of Israel credit for, is that she is amazing at breaking and violating international and humanitarian laws.
While Israel continues to violate these laws, what will the rest of the world do? Will the US, Israel’s closet ally, have the nerve to call Israel on these actions and violations? The UN can forever say that Israel is breaking international laws, but can the UN actually DO anything about it?
And amidst all of this, we continue to pray for the innocent Lebanese who are dying, being injured and displaced and losing the infrastructure of their nation, and for the innocent Israelis who are suffering through this conflict as well. And let us not forget about the Palestinians or Gaza during this time. The world’s attention is on Lebanon at this time, Israel has called an ’emergency draft’ (??), but we can’t forget about the Palestinians…
…and let us not forget who is supplying Israel with its bombs to kill Lebanese…what the hell?