Sarah and I were worshipping at a church where a friend is serving as a new pastor. The community was really wonderful and it was good to see where this friend serves and is setting down roots. During worship, we sang a song that I have led youth and adults in many a time, and as we were singing it, I began to see how truly horrible the song is. This song is everywhere and so this is not a comment on the church, but rather on the song itself. Many of you have probably led worship with this song and sung it yourself. Sorry Craig Musseau, but “Arms of Love” is bad. It really is.
Arms of Love
I sing a simple song of love
To my Savior, to my Jesus
I’m grateful for the things You’ve done
My loving Savior, oh precious JesusMy heart is glad that You called me Your own
There’s no place I’d rather beThan in Your arms of love
In Your arms of love
Holding me still, holding me near
In Your arms of love
If there is any song that perpetuates the “Jesus is my boyfriend”-gospel, this song would be it. Singing a cute little love song to Jesus? Oh my loving Jesus – my precious (I couldn’t get Gollum’s voice out of the back of my head during this song). And of course, there is no place I’d rather be – I want to be in your arms Jesus – I want you holding me close, holding me near…oh to feel your touch Jesus. Oh to feel your arms of love…
You get the point. Why do we sing this stuff in church? Why? Is it really because there is nothing else out there? Is it because we like the tune? Sure, I like the tune. But I can’t ever lead this song again. It’s really, really bad. And I’m not the only one out there who is a bit of a Christian music critic – check out the CCM Patrol.
Anyone else have a worship song that just grates against them whenever they hear it?