I didn’t mention this on the previous day’s post…guess I wasn’t sure how to. But Sarah did on her blog. We’ve spent quite a few days this week trying to figure out how the Walker Cleaveland marriage handles (or rather, doesn’t handle) conferences. I am an odd mix of introvert and extrovert, and I do get a lot of energy from large crowds, seeing friends (new and old ones), networking, etc. So…I haven’t been the best husband this weekend. Example? I forgot to introduce my wife to someone.
Sarah doesn’t. In fact, her post was entitled: Conferences:Marriage::Pineapple:Pizza. I didn’t get it at first, but then I realized that she really doesn’t like pineapple on her pizza. At all.
So…I guess the question I have is for those who have dealt with this before, whether it’s conferences or something else? How have you navigated these types of differences and situations in your marriage?