Sarah and I haven’t been as vocal about our addiction to LOST (well, I’m addicted to LOST, Sarah likes it, but 24 still holds a special place in her heart) as we were about 24. But, in the past month or so, we’ve finished the first two seasons of LOST and we’re looking forward to watching the 6 episodes we missed from season 3 on TV.
After the first episode, Sarah and I looked at each other and kind of shrugged our shoulders….”Eh…” It didn’t really do it for me. But as is probably the case with these shows – when you watch a few more episodes, and then a few more…you eventually do get a little addicted. I think my favorite character on the show is Sawyer. Even though he came off like an ass in the beginning, I think he’s been my favorite all along. Looking forward to the next season…