So, I’ve been blogging for long enough that I’m pretty used to being stopped at Emergent events/conventions with some version of, “Hey – aren’t you Adam? Your blog is pomomusings, right?” I’m used to that. It was a little weird for Sarah at first when people would come up and know everything about her. But I think even she’s used to that by now.
But I had a first yesterday – a totally, completely random blog-recognition in public. I was buying some hot new shoes for my birthday, and as I was walking around the mall, all of a sudden a young woman looked at me, pointed and asked, “Hey, are you Adam Cleaveland?”
Eh? What? I had no idea who this person was – but I went with it. “Yah.”
“Hi, I’m Natalie – I read your blog.”
There we go. Very, very random. Apparently Natalie is a bit of a superstar in her own right, so it was a pleasure to meet her as well. You should all check out her blog, especially if you’re a youth pastor or Methodist; she’s got some great stuff to say.