I promise this won’t turn into another Mark Driscoll rant – if you want something like that, I’m pretty sure you couldn’t find something like that on this site. I ran across a link to a new podcast of Mark Driscoll on Bob’s blog – I don’t agree with much of his analysis. Driscoll is speaking at the Convergent Conference at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and you can listen to the podcast here. You can skip the first 14 min or so – it’s just Driscoll telling about his upbringing. Around minute 14 or 15 is when he begins to start criticizing people, specifically Brian McLaren, Doug Pagitt and Rob Bell (really? Rob Bell?). Apparently, the battle has begun (again) and it’s time to take up your battle positions. While there is so much more I want to say, I’ve said it before. So – Mark Driscoll, “this wink’s for you.” I like to think of it as an “Aww, isn’t that cute”-wink. And I’m not the only one – many are giving Driscoll the wink.
For those of you who don’t want to listen to the entire 80+ minute lecture, here are some ridiculous snippets from it:
- I don’t mind a conversation…but when God speaks, we are not to converse, we are to obey.
- Brian McLaren was asked this question: ‘What is your position on gay marriage?’ His answer was this: ‘You know what? The thing that breaks my heart is that there is no way I can answer it without hurting someone on either side.’ To which I would respond: ‘Now you have hurt God.’
- The Southern Baptist Convention of North Carolina is bringing him [Doug Pagitt] to teach in October. Shame on you.
- If Rabbis don’t love Jesus, they have a bad hermeneutic.
- The Bible is all about Jesus. Ultimately, it’s all…about…Jesus.
- Brian McLaren also has a new organization called “Deep Shift” and I think somebody inadvertently put an “F” in there.
- I believe Emergent is, like Judas, in the process of hanging itself.
- And all the nonsense of emerging, and Emergent, and new monastic communities, and, you know, all of these various kinds of ridiculous conversations — I’ll tell you as one on the inside, they don’t have converts. The silly little myth, the naked emperor is this: they will tell you it’s all about being in culture to reach lost people, and they’re not.
So Mark Driscoll – you just keep on doing your thing. This wink’s for you.
UPDATE: Join the *Wink Revolution* – here are some winkers: Doug, Tony, Mike, Marissa, Gavin, Josh, Will, Jay, Kyle, Andrew, Brother Maynard Josh, Blake, Joe, Nick and Kay. Some are giving peace signs: Scott and Steve.