This past Friday, Sarah, Andrew, Keas and I went up to NYC to see Jimmy Eat World and Viva Voce in concert at Terminal 5. The venue is new and kind of out in the middle of nowhere, but is a really sweet place to see a show. We got there around 7.30pm after enjoying some Chinese food along the way. Viva Voce started around 8pm and shortly after that, Zach Lind (the drummer of Jimmy Eat World) got there and took us out to their tour bus for awhile to hang out. I got to know Zach through his blog almost 3 years ago, and I’ve gotten to hang out with him in Newark and Atlanta at previous concerts. This year we got to meet his wife and daughter, Ava, which was a lot of fun. We were also in the tour bus while Jim (the lead singer) was doing vocal warm-ups; at first I thought a siren was going by but it was just Jim in the back. If you’ve ever seen Jimmy Eat World in concert, you’ll know the intensity and energy that Jim has when he belts out the vocals – so, apparently the warm-ups help a lot.
I’ve been enjoying Jimmy Eat World music ever since I first heard “The Middle” in 2002 from one of the girls in my dorm (I was an RA). The last two concerts were big arena shows, and this venue was much smaller. I’ve enjoyed the other concerts, but this show was just kicking. The crowd was amazing and the place was absolutely packed, and the energy from the band was just pretty intense as well. It was a great show. I also heard a song I didn’t remember from previous concerts – “Disintegration” – which was really impressive. The fans are also great at Jimmy Eat World shows – so many of them sing along to the lyrics, even to the lyrics from their album that just came out a few weeks ago.
Here is our annual “Adam & Zach” photo. I’ve appreciated getting to know this guy better over the past few years. Anyway, thanks again to Zach for the tickets and backstage passes, and I look forward to the next time we get to hang out.