Update: Apparently the right brain/left brain phenomenon is not actually true; check this article here. Oh well – I do still enjoy the optical illusion of the spinning woman. Also, if you want to get another hint, check this out.
My friend Andrew sent me a link to the image below (original news story here), and it’s pretty crazy. Basically if you see the woman below spinning clockwise – you are more right-brained; if you see her spinning counter-clockwise, you are more left-brained. It’s pretty crazy. Take a look and let us know what you see below in the comments. Last night, at first I saw her spinning clockwise but then once I saw her go counter-clockwise, I couldn’t get the clockwise view back. Sarah could only see the clockwise view for the longest time, but then she finally saw her go counter-clockwise. Have some fun with it. Probably the funnest part of this is trying to convince someone that she’s spinning differently than they see her – Sarah would NOT believe me that she was spinning counter-clockwise!
[And just a hint – for some reason, she tends to spin slower in Safari than in Firefox]