I watched Helvetica the other day, at the recommendation of my good friend Adam. It’s a documentary about the typeface, Helvetica – one that is familiar to all computer users (Mac & PC) and everyone else in the world. Helvetica has always been a font I’ve avoided using because it looks so boring. However, it was really interesting watching this film and hearing perspectives about Helvetica from designers, its creators and severe critics of the typeface. There are some really great interviews in the documentary, including one with German typographer and designer, Erik Spiekermann, in which he talks about how he just loathes Helvetica (it’s quite humorous).
After watching the film, I started to see how Helvetica really can be a beautiful font if used well, and I hope to get a chance to try it out in some future designing. It also inspired me to be on the lookout for Helvetica used around the city. I went to New York City yesterday for the afternoon, and got a chance to photograph Helvetica in action. I’m pretty sure that all of the images in this Helvetica photoset are using Helvetica, but if you notice one that’s not, please let me know.
What about everyone else? Anyone seen the film? Anyone really like or dislike Helvetica?