So I’ve been tagged (not once, but twice) to participate in the PresbyMeme that Bruce Reyes-Chow started. So I suppose that means I should take some time and put together a post. The rules are pretty basic:
- In about 25 words each, answer the following five questions;
- Tag five Presbyterian bloggers and send them a note to let them know they were tagged;
- Be sure to link or send a trackback to this post
So I will take my stab at contributing to this PresbyMeme.
1. What is your earliest memory of being distinctly Presbyterian?
I was raised in a Presbyterian church in Centralia, WA – but other than VBS and the Christmas Eve candlelight service, I don’t have a lot of memories from those years. We eventually started going to a Nazarene church instead. However, the summer after my 8th grade year, I went to Soundview Camp in Longbranch, WA for M.A.D.D. (Music, Arts, Dance and Drama) Camp. Part of our activities during the week consisted of playing in a Handbell Choir. I was like, “What? Really? We’re at camp, and we’re playing handbells?” I suppose that’s when I first realized that Presbyterians were odd. And, in some way, I was one of them…
2. On what issue/question should the PC(USA) spend LESS energy and time?
This is a hard question. I’ve heard both conservatives and progressives say we need to spend less time and energy on “the gay issue” (obviously, both have different reasons for spending less time on it) – but I don’t know that I’m ready to say that. I think for those who are being denied a voice in the church, they would not say that it’s something we should spend less time on. Sure, it would be easy for me to say, “C’mon – let’s talk about things the church really should be talking about – mission, evangelism, poverty…” But, that’s easy for me to say – I can get ordained as soon as I find a job. There are others in the church who have been called to ministry – and they are being denied that opportunity. (I’ve totally gone over the 25 word limit)
So, if I had to actually answer the question, I’d say the PC(USA) should spend less time on discussing issues related to church property.
3. On what issue/question should the PC(USA) spend MORE energy and time?
I think it would serve the church well to discuss what the kingdom of God could look like in the world today. Sarah, my wife, often preaches about a “failure of imagination.” I think the church today experiences a failure of imagination, a failure of being able to think creatively of how to be in the world.
4. If you could have the PC(USA) focus on one passage of scripture for an entire year, what would it be?
I would have the PC(USA) focus on Matthew 22.34-40. Love God and love neighbor – not real profound, but very, very important.
5. If the PC(USA) were an animal what would it be and why?
I think the PC(USA) is a sloth. According to Wikipedia, “Sloths move only when necessary and even then very slowly.” That seems to about sum things up.
And I’ll tag the following folks: Matt, Bryant, Brian, BJ and Jessica.