I know this blog has a pretty diverse readership: some people are coming here for my WordPress theme Cleaker (which has been downloaded about 18,724 times (if only I had charged $1/download), some are coming for emerging church stuff, others are friends who like the personal/random updates. So it’s always fun to hear about who it is who reads this blog. So imagine my surprise when I got a phone call from Penske Truck Rental the other week, and the woman who called said she was a reader of this blog (she must like my Penske post). Anyway – I’m thankful for all the readers of this blog over the past 4+ years; here is a shout out to all the Penske employees who read pomomusings – and if you’re the person who called me, sorry I haven’t called back yet, but if we decide we want to drive a truck out West, of course we’ll be going with Penske. To hear an edited portion of my voicemail, click below.