Yes friends, blog-diva Jen Lemen is up to it again – trying to bring about the kingdom of God by sharing love and hope across the world. Seriously though – they need your help. Jen Lemen and Kelly Rae got this amazing project together to build a house for Odette’s mother, a genocide survivor who lives in a tiny village in Rwanda. You can read the full story here. They are on the home stretch and have nearly completed raising the necessary funds but still need some last-minute help. I’m hoping that some of the readers of this blog can go and donate $5, $10, whatever you’re able to for this very worthy cause: The Little House that Love Built.
For details and to find the link for their Chipin page (for those who use PayPal), go here. Or if you want to write a check, you can contact Jen here. As of 8.20pm tonight, they are shooting for $2500 and have received $2335.75. Let’s see if we can make up the remaining $164.25 – or even more!