If you know me at all, or have been around me when I’m planning youth group, one of the parts that I always struggle with is coming up with games. So you’ve gone through your YS books and searched Amazon for youth group games…and then what? I think it’s important to have a theology of play and I know that games can be fun and contribute to the formation of community, etc., etc., but when it all comes down to it, I really do not look forward to planning the games. So, as I was sitting around talking to Sarah about games this past Sunday, I thought I’d ask my Facebook/Twitter friends what they thought the all-time best youth group games were. I received about 30 people who mentioned games, and some came up numerous times. So, in order of most votes to least, I present you with the Top 20 All-Time Best Youth Group Games.
- Sardines
- Hide and Seek
- Mafia
- Grog (* see description below)
- 4 on a Couch
- King of the Couch
- Underground Church
- Manhunt
- Flip-it
- Rambo
- Fruit
- Scoot
- 4 Square
- Partner Tag
- Stupid Ninja Game (apparently too confusing to try and explain – if you want to know, we can try and find out)
- Ipod Idol (* see description below)
- Pudgy Bunny (aka Chubby Bunny)
- Belly Button War (* see description below)
- “Please Don’t Die” (* see description below)
- Ditch (* see description below)
Grog: You take apart a flashlight and hide the parts throughout the play area. One kid is the Grog, which is a monster that can freeze you in place by tagging you. Everyone has to work together to find the parts, assemble the flashlight, and shine it on the Grog to defeat “it.” UPDATE: The last time I played this with the lights completely out. Within 5 minutes, a girl was screaming. First time in my youth ministry career that a kid had to get rushed to the hospital. Nothing serious, but…it was a little scary. So I’d recommend playing with the lights lowered, but not completely pitch black.
iPod Idol: One person has to sing the song that is playing in their earphones on their iPod and everyone else basically plays name that tune.
Belly Button War: Divide 2 teams, one color duck tape covering navel of one team, one color for other. Get the other teams tape.
“Please Don’t Die”: big game of keep away with 2 teams playing each other in the social hall. Winner had the ball at designated time
Ditch: 1 person is it, it starts like hide and seek. Everyone hides, then they try to “catch” the people who are hiding, who can move. Once you are found/tagged, you are also it. And last one to be found/tagged is the winner.
What about you? Do you have any favorite games that your youth group plays? Or what about when you were in youth group, do you recognize any of the games that I have listed here? Finally, what is not on my list that absolutely should be?