Plurality 2.0 is a blog series on pomomusings to have conversations on issues of pluralism, ecumenism and Christian faith. For more information on the series, you can read about it here.
Below you will see the finalized schedule for our Plurality 2.0 Blog Series, although there may be some minor changes made to this list as we go along. Thanks to everyone who is participating in this series and I hope you’ll come back and check out the posts, grab my RSS feed or keep up to date on Twitter by searching for the #plurality hashtag.
Here is the video explanation of the blog series:
April 1: C. Wess Daniels / Plurality 2.0 post
April 2: Christine Sine / Plurality 2.0 post
April 3: Melissa DeRosia / Plurality 2.0 post
April 6: Ryan Kemp-Pappan / Plurality 2.0 post
April 8: Julie Clawson / Plurality 2.0 post
April 10: Adam Copeland / Plurality 2.0 post
April 17: Makeesha Fisher / Plurality 2.0 post
April 21: Jim Burklo / Plurality 2.0 post
April 22: John O’Hara / Plurality 2.0 post
April 24: Dr. Philip Clayton / Plurality 2.0 post
April 27: Brian Merritt / Plurality 2.0 post
April 28: Kim Hinrichs / Plurality 2.0 post
April 29: Matt Walker / Plurality 2.0 post
April 30: Br. Jason Welle OFM / Plurality 2.0 post
May 1: Nanette Sawyer / Plurality 2.0 post
May 4: Doug Pagitt / Plurality 2.0 post
May 5: Eboo Patel / Plurality 2.0 post
May 6: Katie Harris / Plurality 2.0 post
May 8: Jeremy Zach / Plurality 2.0 post
May 12: Erin Williams / Plurality 2.0 post
May 13: John Franke / Plurality 2.0 post
May 15: Kelly Bean / Plurality 2.0 post
May 18: Seth Thomas / Plurality 2.0 post
May 20: Marci Glass / Plurality 2.0 post
May 22: Carol Howard Merritt / Plurality 2.0 post
May 23: President Barack Obama / Plurality 2.0 post
May 25: Sarah Walker Cleaveland / Plurality 2.0 post
May 27: Landon Whitsitt / Plurality 2.0 post
May 28: Darleen Pryds / Plurality 2.0 post
May 29: Brian McLaren / Plurality 2.0 post