Starting Weight: 164 / Current Weight: 161.5 / Goal Weight: 150
So, it’s amazing how fast a week goes by. I feel like I was just writing a review of week 2 on Weight Watchers. This past week I think the “newness” of it was wearing off, and the “fun factor” of counting points and keeping track of them also was not as fun.
I’m pretty sure once I sat down to go through my points over the past day (or two!), I got everything recorded that I had eaten, but I need to remember to count the points BEFORE I eat it…to see if I actually have the points.
There were a few days that I ended up around 31-32 points for the day (my goal is 28) but I have never used up all my extra bonus points for the week – so, I’m doing okay – but I’m not losing a lot of weight.
I’ve also not been doing much exercise or drinking water. So pretty much not doing any of the things that I keep saying that I need to do.
I’ve had some interesting reactions from people who find out, through Facebook/blog, that I’m doing Weight Watchers. Most often they will give me a look like, “What…? Really…..? Why….” While I’m just on the edge of being “Overweight” according to the Wii Fit, most don’t immediately see a reason why I’d be doing it.
I’m not hoping to lose a ton of weight – but there is a certain seminary-related beer gut that I’d prefer to not have. And if I could lose that, that’d be great! It’s funny – I was always very skinny throughout high school and even in college; I never got the “Freshman 15.” But it wasn’t until a few years out of college, and then my first year of seminary…
It’d be interesting to do a poll of how much weight people put on in their first year of seminary: full-time student…sitting around studying…sedentary lifestyle…and a combination of beer and the D-Bar certainly didn’t help either.
At any rate, I’m hoping to lose the gut and start feeling a bit more comfortable with myself. I think that’s a good enough reason to do it.