So, I’ve started running again. I’m taking it slowly…Monday I ran 2.4 miles, today it was 2.94. And luckily, I’ve found a fun new gadget to accompany me along these runs. I was first considering the Nike + iPod kit but when I looked into it, it was $29 for the kit, plus $80+ for Nike+ shoes (or you could buy other accessories to hold the kit on your regular shoes). I wasn’t about to go buy a pair of fancy Nike shox shoes, but I was thinking about the Nike + iPod kit until Matt Scott recommended the RunKeeper Pro app for the iPhone 3G/3GS (sorry 1st generation folks – it doesn’t work for you).
Here is why I like RunKeeper Pro:
- It allows you to customize training workouts based on timed runs or miles.
- You can set the interval which it will give up “updates.” So every 5 minutes, the voice comes on and tells me the current elapsed time, my current pace and the current distance I’ve run.
- Works seamlessly with the iPod and the voice just speaks over top the music playing.
- Using the iPhone’s GPS, it maps your routes out and is extremely accurate. In addition to distance, it also keeps track of elevation.
- The way it automatically uploads, formats and displays your data on is amazing. It shows the above graphic, along with your map. And you can follow along on your route and see exactly how fast you were running at certain points. You can see details from my last run here.
- It makes running fun for techies.
- Helps me stay focused and also know how much more I have to run.
If you’re currently running – or thinking about starting up again – and you’re an iPhone 3G/3GS owner – I’d highly recommend this. And there is a free version you can get to try it out, but I think it has ads in it. I don’t know how long I’ll be able to keep up this running, although I do have a friend who is trying to convince me to sign up for the Rock ‘n’ Roll San Jose Half Marathon in October. We’ll see…