Just wanted to let anyone out there know that I am currently accepting new ads on Pomomusings – and there are a few different options and rates for ads on Pomomusings. Your support of this site enables me to cover monthly hosting fees with Media Temple and allows me to purchase themes and other WordPress plugins to keep this site as up to date as possible.
Also – now that we are expecting twins – any additional revenue brought in through Pomomusings will be able to assist Sarah and me with very exciting things like…diapers! And baby stuff…you know – really exciting stuff.
I’m aware that many readers may not have a need to advertise for anything – but it never hurts to get the information out there. If you know of someone or some business that you have connections with, I’d really appreciate it you pass this blog post on to them – we’d really appreciate it. All of the information about what ad zones are available, as well as information about rates, can be found on my Advertising page here. You can also download the Pomomusings Advertising Kit. If you’re new to Pomomusings, and wonder why you’d want to advertise here, please read some more information below.
Launched in August of 2003, Pomomusings has been around for over 7 years. Through that time, a strong effort has been put into creating a sense of community for readers of the blog. Pomomusings continues to boast a very strong and devout readership. While the blog itself tends to lean to the left theologically and politically, the readership is extremely diverse in all areas: theologically, socially, politically & demographically.
Posts on Pomomusings range from topics on the emerging church, theology, religion and youth ministry, to web design, WordPress and social media, to politics, technology and sexuality. For the past 5 years, I have been reviewing books on my blog for major publishers, including: InterVarsity Press, Baker Books, Jossey-Bass, Doubleday, Simon & Schuster, Thomas Nelson & Zondervan.
It has been called one of the most well-known Christian/emerging church blogs and has received some impressive rankings recently. To begin with, Pomomusings.com has a Google PageRank of 5 (out of 10). This is very good, and to put it into perspective, it’s the same PageRank that michaelhyatt.com has, and that’s the blog of Michael Hyatt, current CEO of Thomas Nelson Publishers. Some other rankings include:
- Top 20 Youth Ministry Blogs of 2010 (according to Youth Specialties)– Rank #6
- Top 50 Christianity Blogs (according to Invesp Consulting) – Rank #20
- Top 100 Church Blogs on ChurchRelevance.com– Rank #38
- Featured on AllTop’s Top Church News
To find out more information, read my Advertising page.