This post is cross-posted at as well.
I’m lucky to have a job that will enable me the flexibility to be at home with the kids and be able to do some work from home once they are born. I know that not all dads have jobs that would give them that flexibility. And so while I’m not going to be a full-time stay-at-home dad, I feel like I will have some taste of what that might be like.
Since I’ve started my Dazed Dad blog, I’ve been connecting with some other daddybloggers, and many of them are stay-at-home dads. I have nothing but respect for these men who are able to make a commitment to be so involved in the lives of their kids. I know for some, it’s not their choice, but have been put in that place because of losing a job, etc. But I know that there are others who have made a conscious decision to stay at home and be the full-time homemaker while their wives or partners are working.
And to those of you who do that – I think that’s awesome. Unlike the absolutely ridiculous and un-Christian thoughts from Mark Driscoll in the above video, I think you’ve got to be a pretty courageous man to stay at home and raise your children. You’re doing something that many men like Driscoll simply don’t have the cojones or chutzpah to pull off. Speaking of Mark Driscoll raising his kids, you have to laugh at the point in the above video when his wife basically says that it’s a good thing that Mark ISN’T the one who is staying home with the kids. Can you imagine…?
I don’t know how many of you have seen the above video clip from Mars Hill Church – but I hope you know that it is a minority opinion within Christianity. We don’t all buy into that old-school close-minded approach that thinks women are built to be in the homes. Or that a Christian man who isn’t providing for his family is worse than an unbeliever. Seriously? Seriously? Who are these people?
Oh that’s right – “Bible-believing” Christians – Christians who are living according to “biblical principles.” Great. Alright – well, have fun living according to biblical principles while the rest of us will go on living in the 21st century.