I’ve been privileged to host two different blog series on Pomomusings before, the first on the Kingdom of God and the second on pluralism. It’s been over a year and a half, and I’m getting antsy for some good collaborative theological discussions on the site. There are some usual suspects that I’ll probably be asking to write, but I’m always looking for new voices to be guest bloggers, and I have some new folks I’m planning to ask as well.
But first we need…a topic. So we’ve covered eschatology and pluralism/interfaith stuff. I think we’ll stay away from sexuality for the time being, considering there are already some great memes out there covering that topic (for those Presbyterians who are interested).
So what do you think would be interesting to hear from a host of folks about? Is there a pressing theme or topic out there that you think we would all benefit from hearing others write about? Share your thoughts in the comments and we’ll start getting things in the works for a new blog series in the spring.