One week ago, I saw a few #runrevrun tweets and thought there might be some energy around a #runrevrun community blog, so I asked folks if they were interested.
One week later, we are launching our #RunRevRun website, #RunRevRun Facebook page and our @Run_Rev_Run Twitter account. We have 18 authors, over 20 posts and more and more folks are starting to follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook. I’d say there was definitely some interest and energy for a community blog on health, fitness and ministry. We have a great group of almost 20 authors who are going to be writing for this site, and you can read their bios on the Authors page.
It’s going to be a great site, I can tell already, and so I encourage you to check it out, sign up to receive the blog updates, check us out on Facebook and Twitter and join the #runrevrun conversation as we attempt to get keep – or get – fit.