This post is part of a technology series called “What?! You’re not using…?” where I’m sharing ten technology sites/apps that I find to be very helpful – and you might too!
I’ve written extensively about Posterous before on Pomomusings (see “Posterous: The Perfect Solution for Blogging and Sharing Your Media Everywhere“), but I feel like it’s worth another mention. I also wrote here about how I used it as my main social media tool while on our summer mission trips last year. For those of you who don’t know about it, it’s basically a way to blog extremely easily. All you have to do to create a Posterous site, is to send an email to or signup on their site. It’s that simple. They have an iPhone app, and you can create/edit posts via their web app, but its power is really that it’s entirely based around email.
Want to create a new post? Just send an email and it will take care of everything for you. Want to include pictures? Just attach those in an email. Want to upload a video and embed it in your post? Just attach it to the email. It’s that simple.
There have been many media sites that have had the Posterous vs. Tumblr debate on their sites in the past year or so. I have tried both (though, Posterous much more extensively) and I just like how Posterous is so connected to email. It makes it really easy for me, and makes moderating group sites very easy. Just give everyone a group specific email address that they can send stuff to, and, there it is: you have a group blog.
If you’ve ever thought about starting up a blog, but think that perhaps there’s just too much that goes into it…this would be the perfect tool for you. And if you’re a social media guru, this is still the perfect tool for you as well. One of the best parts of Posterous is that it sends your media to all your other sites for you. So when I email a photo to Posterous for the “My Life in Pictures” series I’m doing this year, it posts it on my website, and then sends it out through Twitter, posts it on Facebook and Flickr and would send it to other places too if I wanted it to.
Oh. Did I mention it’s free? Yup. It is. So sign up with Posterous today and think about the ways you might be able to use it in your ministry or personal life.