If you remember when I posted about preaching at First Presbyterian Church of Ashland back in October, I mentioned that someone baked me a mixed berry pie. And it was amazing. When Karen Amarotico gave the pie to me, she let me know that she’s actually baking a pie a day for a whole year and giving them to people. First of all, I think this is pretty amazing because I can’t imagine coming up with different pies and finding the time to bake one every day. And in the spirit of a wonderful life challenge like this, Karen is also blogging about the experience, the pies and the people at her blog A Pie a Day. This is how she describes her journey on the blog:
My name is Karen Amarotico and I have begun a year long adventure in pie baking. This journey began as an idea in the middle of the night. That idea is that I will express my gratitude to my friends, my family, and the universe through baking a pie of one kind or another every day for a year. Each day I will choose a “pie recipient.†That person could be a friend or neighbor who I know could use a pick-me-up… or maybe it will be someone that I don’t know yet… but who has come to my attention via this blog. It would be wonderful if you decide to join me on this adventure. You can do this by following along, sharing recipes, or leaving a comment. Whatever you decide to do, thanks for visiting! [link]
I commend this blog to you for many reasons. If you’re a foodie, it may inspire you to bake a delicious pie. But clearly, Karen’s pie a day challenge is not just about baking pies. It’s about being grateful, about thinking of others, and about finding ways to share God’s love with friends, family, strangers, and asking others to join in a conspiracy of goodness. And she’s only on 256 – more than 100 days and 100 pies left. Check out the blog and subscribe to it – you’ll enjoy it. Below are some of the pies that Karen has made, and a short video of her making a pie crust if you’re interested.