I’ll be running another Social Media Boot Camp on Thursday, October 11 at the Church of the Brethren in Modesto, California. You can register here.
Here are a few ways that you could really help me out by spreading the word:
- If you know someone in Modesto (or in that area of California), please share this post on their Facebook Wall, or email them about it, or even text or call them and let them know about this unique opportunity.
- Click the Facebook Share button below, and share this post on your Facebook Walls so that others might find out about it.
- Like or +1 this post, so that others might see it as well.
We’ve gotten some really great feedback from our Social Media Boot Camps, and we think that folks will come away having learned some great skills during this one day workshop. This is from our description of our Boot Camps here:
In our one-day Social Phonics Boot Camps, veteran pastors, non-profit executives, and social mediaistas, Doug Pagitt and Tony Jones and Our Coaches will guide you through the basics of the most popular social media services, including blogging, Facebook, Twitter and free broadcast media. You will learn how, in just three 30-minute periods each week, you can dramatically increase your communication to members of your church, organization, or business — and, even more importantly, to those who have the potential to visit your church or business. Most importantly, we’ll help you determine your own social media philosophy, so that you’ll know exactly why you’re going online each week.
I hope you’ll consider coming to this Social Media Boot Camp if you’re in the Modesto area. But at the very least, we’d appreciate you sharing this information with friends and folks you think might be interested.