I first met Sarah Cunningham at the Emergence Christianity event in Memphis earlier this year, and have been impressed with the work she’s doing and the books that she’s written. I wanted to share with you about a new book of hers that is out called “The Well-Balanced World Changer.” This is how she describes it:
It presents a collection of wisdom to help passionate leaders of any age, but is perhaps particularly relevant to younger generations just beginning to see their idealism collide with reality. The principles inside will help you lock into a manageable pace, maintain healthy expectations, spot challenges before they arrive and recover more quickly from the unavoidable setbacks we all face.
I think this book will be a valuable resource for anyone who is imagining the ways they might be able to help bring about change in the world, but might need some guidance or someone to walk with them through the beginning stages of envisioning what that might look like for them.
You can pick up the book on Amazon here, or find out more information on the Pinterest page here, or Sarah’s website.