I went and saw Saved! again a few nights ago with my friend Beth (here are my thoughts from the first time), as it was playing at a very cool theatre/bar in Centralia, the Oly Club. The second time was even better – I laughed more and found more scenes to be fairly impacting. When Mandi Moore and her group of friends (the Christian Jewels) are asked by the pastor/principal to help out ‘wayward’ Mary, they try to do an exorcism on her. Hilary (Mandy Moore) claims to be trying to show Mary love. Mary yells at Hilary, “You don’t know the first thing about love!” Hilary then throws her Bible at Mary and says, “I have the love of Christ!” Mary picks up the Bible, laughs at Hilary and says, “This…this isn’t a weapon!” Reminds me of this beautiful essay by Real Live Preacher, called There’s Something About the Way You Use the Bible. And yes, I still found the profane-prayer uttered by Mary to be an absolutely beautiful expression of honest/heartfelt prayer. Anyway, if you get a chance, go see it again. You laugh twice as much and twice as hard the second time.