I’m at a family reunion in northern Illinois the rest of this week, and then I get to spend a few days with my buddy Tony. We’ll do some blogging while we’re hanging out, so be sure and check it out. Anyway, I got a wonderful email from the girl at camp who had been really honest about where she was with God that week. She had been beginning to read Genesis, and I just love some of the questions that these students come up with…stuff I wasn’t even thinking about at their age. [sidenote: she emailed me, and…well, she proved ME wrong. This is what she wrote: “Oh, and on your site you said ‘I don’t think she necessarily cared about the historicity of the Bible, or all the factual/archaeological evidence…’ but that couldn’t be farther from the truth!! That’s exactly the kind of thing I was looking for, because evidence is fact and I totally have faith in facts!! So, I just thought I’d let you know that!!” Doh! I guess that’s still important for some people…just goes to show you can’t dismiss everything…]
- How did God happen? How did he appear?
- Adam and Eve had two sons…how did everybody else get here?….
- How do we know all of the stuff mentioned in the very beginning of Genesis? Like all of the stuff God said: “Let there be light” all of that.
- If God loves all of us so much, why did he drown us all in the story of Noah?
- What happens to animals when they die? Do they go to a seperate heaven? Do they just go to heaven with us? Or do they just cease to exist?
- Why did people live so long back then? And finally, why did he put the mortality limit on 120 years?
- Can you believe in God and Karma at the same time?
- What do you think defines being a good Christian?
- Genesis Chapter 19…what is with all the incest?!! The two daughters in the cave “Let’s get dad drunk and ‘lay’ next to him so we can have kids!!”….NASTY!! Oh, also why do the guys in the town want to have sex with the two (male) angels that come to town as apposed to the girls that the guy offers them?
- If God knows everything that’s going to happen to us then does that mean our life is predestined? Does it mean that we have no choice/control in our lives because it’s already been seen by God?
I love getting lists of questions like these. I have a few high schoolers from Idaho who will send me lists of 30+ questions at a time. I love it. And I end every email the same — keep the questions coming! Beautiful stuff.