I don’t really get the point of Christmas cards. Christmas letters, I get. I like to get updates from friends and families, to see a few pictures, hear what has happened during the year. But just the Christmas card that comes in the mail? I don’t understand the point of them. Normally, it just says “Merry Christmas, love the Johnsons…” or something on the inside, and then there is the question of what to do with it. Do we collect all of them and stand them up on a table…hang them up…? Is the goal to get as many as you can so people who come over see the mass of Christmas cards and think you’re really popular? Granted, it’s not just Christmas cards for me. Cards in general, while I do give them on occasion, don’t make a lot of sense to me. Generally you get a card, open it, skim it, and throw it away.
But every now and then I get a Christmas card that makes me laugh. Josh sent Sarah and me this card, and I thought it was so good it needed to be on Pomomusings.
So, friends, consider this card your Christmas card from all of us here at Pomomusings.com – Merry Christmas!