I’ve been following a few new blogs that I wanted to let you all know about:
- Fr Patrick’s Weblog: I first met Fr Patrick in Idaho, when his beard was significantly shorter, and we met each other for coffee pretty regularly. We had some really wonderful conversations and it was an honor to be able to talk with him about theology, ministry and learn more about the Orthodox church. He has just recently started a blog, and I think it will be very interesting, especially if you are interested in the church fathers, the Orthodox faith and theology.
- The Spotted Apron: Dana is a Princeton Seminary grad and a friend. She has recently started up a really great cooking blog. Warning: if you go to her blog, you’ll probably be tempted to try out some of her recipes because the food looks really great.
- Notes from Central Africa/Jina Moore: Jina is one of Sarah’s best friends and I think she’s pretty great too. She is a journalist and freelance writer, currently in Rwanda and writing for The Christian Science Monitor. While I think she was skeptical about initially starting up a blog, she’s really gotten into it and it’s a very interesting blog to read.
- peace.photo.bock: Joel is friend from Princeton and an extremely talented photographer. On his site, you’ll get a glimpse into some of his photographic skills and plus you just might get to see incredibly cute photos of his son, Espen.
- zefrank: I’m a little late jumping on board the Ze Frank craze but saw this video of him at TED and was hooked. He’s hilarious and has some great stuff on his blog/site.
- Yestertime: This is a recommendation from Sarah. She said it’s a pretty hilarious “mommyblog” – so if you’re into mommyblogs, I’d say give Yestertime a read.