Sarah and I received a phone call yesterday in which we were both offered a job leading The Macrina Community this summer. Their priest is going on sabbatical for the summer, and we will be leading worship and handling the other responsibilities as well. Macrina is a project of the Episcopal Diocese of California – I think in many ways it has the feel of a “church plant” or a Presbyterian New Church Development. They’re doing some really creative things with the liturgy and so it will be a great chance to explore some different approaches to worship and to lead a small ministry.
Sarah and I both think it will be a great opportunity to do some really creative ministry, and it will a great chance to explore doing ministry together and learning from the Anglican tradition. If anyone has read Sara Miles’s book “Take This Bread,” she talks about her conversion and involvement with St. Gregory’s Church in San Francisco. Macrina is connected with St. Gregory’s and Macrina’s current priest worked at St. Gregory’s for awhile. I loved reading about the worship and ministry of St. Gregory’s in Sara’s book, so it is cool to think that we’ll be working in a similar type of community. We’ll be starting June 15th and the position runs through September 8th.
Do any of the Episcopal/Anglican readers of this blog have some suggestions for creative liturgical resources?