I realize my blog has been pretty quiet recently. As Josh attested to (he’s also a part-time specialist at Apple), transitioning into a new job at Apple tends to cut down on the blogging. Just over a week ago, I started work at the Apple Store as a part-time specialist. Because of our company policy, I can’t go into details about much of what happens at work, but I can say that it’s been pretty fun. Hours have been pretty long recently, but what I noticed today is that the day seems to fly by pretty quick. I’m getting to know some of the people better who I’m working with, and I’m starting to have fun. It’s really not like any other retail store I’ve worked at before. Perhaps it’s just because I love everything I’m selling…I’m sure that has something to do with it.
When I worked at Wal-Mart (yes, I did say Wal-Mart) as a freshman in high school in the Electronics Department, it’s not like I was feeling really passionate about selling stereos, phones or video games. It was a pretty depressing place to work, actually. When I worked at the Champion-Hanes outlet as a junior in high school, it’s not like I was really passionate and excited to fold the t-shirts and sweatshirts with those little plastic folding boards. But now I just spend the day talking to people about Apple products and why I love them. That’s about it. So I think it’s a great job for me right now – even though it’s taking up a ton of my time and affecting how often I’m able to blog.
Anyway – there’s been a lot going on recently: moving and getting settled, GA, a trip to Mexico, working at Apple, Sarah’s parents have been here, I’ve been updating the portfolio on my Cleave Design site, we’re leaving on Wednesday for Spokane (my sister is getting married!)…so, I apologize I haven’t really been writing anything of substance for awhile, but I hope to change that in a few weeks.